
keylogger-mvp README

This keylogger allows for users to input their keystrokes for research purposes. Once the new VSCode window has opened a user will open the Command Palette and type 'Start Testing'. Once the user does this they will be prompted to enter their email. After the email is validated as being correct they will be told to select the language they wish to code in. They will then be prompted to choose a problem set. After that the extension will begin recording the user's actions and the user will be able to see their problem question and how many tests they are passing. Once they finish they will open the Command Palette and type in 'Stop Testing'. Once this is complete the user will be prompted to copy the link to a survey and fill out it out in browser.

Using the Extension

  1. Install the .vsix extension (accessible in the releases pane of Github) file into your instance of VSCode. a. Navigate to the extensions tab on the left of the window. b. Click the ... in the upper right c. Select "install from vsix" d. Select the file
  2. Make sure you have all the languages you will be using to solve problems installed on your local machine and referenced in your $PATH.
  3. Start testing by pressing f1 followed by Start Testing. You will be prompted to enter your email to procede. (This must be the email provided to your admin)
  4. Open a new file to start writing File > New File the file can be any type you want, but we suggest you use the language you will be writing in so that you get syntax highlighting.
  5. To move on to a following test press f1 followed by Next Test.
  6. When a problem is finished you can hit f1 -> Stop Testing to stop your session, or the session will automatically stop when you have passed all the tests.
  7. You will be prompted with a survey upon the completion of a problem to leave your feedback.

Developing and Altering the Extension

Simple Config

  1. To change the survey link, time limit, or any other configuration parameters make changes in keylogger-mvp > pluginConfig.json.
  2. When changes have been made you simply repackage the plugin by running vsce package from the keylogger-mvp/ directory.

Debugging and Further Developement

  1. To add additional features or fix any bugs you can make changes (likely to extension.js) from there you can debug the plugin.

    1. If you have not already installed the packages cd into keylogger-mvp and run npm i
    2. Open vscode and navigate your path to where extension.js is located
    3. Once there run your f5 command or manually run extension.js either with or without debugging
    4. Once the new window opens, Open the command palette (ctrl + shift + p in windows)
    5. Type in Start Testing and press enter
  2. To add additional language support you must:

    1. Add a new "runner file" in the exec directory. Follow the example of compile.py
    2. Add a new case to the replacer.py file
    3. Handle the new language in runTest() within extension.js